Dr. Marcella Robinson:
- co-founder of CRREW
- support for CRREW and
Indochina Project in Vietnam, Cambodia
- stayed 3 months
to do training in 2007
Dr. Anthony from NYC
- offered training
for blind massage theralist in Vietnam, Cambodia
Dr. Dagmar from Germany
- helped organize
Dr. Wendy Henry:
- co-founder of CRREW
- runs mobil
acupucture clinic
- helped firefighters
in NYC after 9 11 , Katrina victims, and Indochina project .
Dr. Stephani from NYC, currently in Tokyo
- joined the
training for blind sutdents in Vietnam
Lisa from NYC
- joined NADA traiing
for blind massage students in Vietnam and HAHA NAGANO diagnosis in the future for our blind students
Dr. Rachel:
- joined NADa
training in Vietnam,
- will offer HARA
NAGANO training for Vietnam
Joann Simmons, photographer
thanks for her wonderful photos about Cambodia
training at NADA Conference in Dallas!
And 6 more local doctors in Saigon ,Hanoi